Being a Junior has some definite perks. Perhaps the greatest of these is that most of the upper-level classes for my major, English, are in the afternoon. This is perfect for someone like me, who hates getting up too early. My typical day usually starts with me rolling out of bed sometime between 10 and 11am, stumbling out into the living room of my apartment and watching something on my roommates Netflix Instant Que (recently a lot of Arrested Development). Depending on how athletic I'm feeling, I generally try to make a trip to the gym before classes start.
Class is...well...class.
After class is over, I usually have some type of activity - either a meeting for my fraternity or practice for waterpolo. Between dinner, meetings and whatever homework needs to be accomplished for the next day I usually finish up all the work I need to get done by 8 or 9pm and after that its off to one of my friends rooms to plot out the course of the evening. (I mean - hell - I won't have to get up early tomorrow anyway!)
While I hate getting up early, I always feel like I'm wasting the day if I sleep past noon. So, no matter what state I happen to be in at the end of the night, I dutifully set an alarm for 11am. This isn't to say that I always get up then, but it usually is the intention. The hours between noon and 4pm are more often than not reserved for what I would gently call "recovery time." If I'm feeling extra-ambitious I may attempt to make a home cooked meal (for some reason, I am the only one in my apartment brave enough to cook anything more complicated than soup) and then its planning for the night. One of the many benefits of being in a fraternity is that I usually don't have to try very hard to find something to do on a Saturday night, which is perfect for me because I am possibly one of the most disorganized people alive. By 9pm I usually have a pretty good idea of the direction of the night and by 1030 or 11 its off to wherever.
Bye for now,
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